About Fastmail file storage

The Files screen lets you store and manage files from within your Fastmail account.


  • Easily store attachments sent to your Fastmail account.
  • Attach stored files to emails you compose.
  • Share your files with other users in your account.
  • Upload files from your computer or mobile device so you can access them anywhere.
  • Manage your files via WebDAV.

Files also have the following legacy features that you can still use, although no additional development or enhancements are planned:

  • Publish a website from your files and password-protect it or make it public.
  • Turn your uploaded images into an online photo gallery to share with friends and family.

Read on to discover more about:

File quota

The amount of storage space you can use depends on your account plan. You can read about the files quota for each account type as well as their respective bandwidth transfer limits on our Account limits page.

Other people downloading your files via the web counts towards your transfer, as do uploads and downloads via DAV. The maximum file size you can upload is 250 MB.

You can see an overview of your quota usage in the sidebar on the Files screen.

Your files quota is completely separate from your mail quota, so if you reach your file storage or bandwidth limits, your mail will remain unaffected.

Accessing your files

If you're accessing your files through DAV, it is shown by the full path: /yourusername.yourmail.domain/files/

Upload/download files and folders

Files can be uploaded from your computer into your Fastmail storage by dragging and dropping, or by using the Upload button.

You can upload a single file, or select multiple files to upload at once.

When uploading files of the same name as those already stored, you can choose whether to skip the upload, overwrite (replace) the files, or keep both. Renaming adds a number to the duplicate filenames so you can tell them apart: filename[1].ext, filename[2].ext and so on.

You can download a single file at a time, or download the contents of an entire folder in a compressed folder bundle (ZIP file) by selecting the file or folder, and using the Download link in the details panel or the button in the action bar. Windows, Mac and Unix users can open the downloaded ZIP by double-clicking on the file. Mobile users (Android, iOS, etc) will need to install an app that can handle ZIP files to unpack a folder of files. Single files are downloaded uncompressed.

Manage folders

Store your files with ease in folders.

  • To create a folder, use the New folder button.
  • To delete folders, use the checkboxes to select them then use the Delete button in the action bar to remove them.
  • To rename a folder or file, hover over it and click the Rename button that appears.
  • To move folders or files, use the checkboxes to select them, then use the Move button in the action bar to choose where to move them. You can also drag and drop the items to you want to move in an existing folder.
  • To copy folders or files, use the checkboxes to select them, then use the Copy button in the action bar. You can now select where to copy these folders. You can drag and drop folders to copy them by holding down Alt or Option before starting to drag; otherwise dragging performs a move.
  • To email a file or folder, use the checkboxes to select them and click the Email button in the action bar.


Manage files

For security reasons, our file viewer follows the same content security policy as mail attachments.

To find files or folders, use the search field. You can use a * wildcard character (which matches any number of characters) or a ? character (which matches a single character) within your search field if you're not sure of the filename. Searching is case-insensitive. You can read more about how file searching works here.

  • Searching for Foo is the same as searching for *foo* and will find foo, foo.txt and new-foo.txt
  • Searching for foo* will find foo and foo.txt, but will not find new-foo.txt
  • Searching for new?foo.??? will find new-foo.txt, but not foo or foo.txt
  • Searching for f?o will find foo, but not new-foo.txt or foo.txt
  • Searching for "foo" will find foo: using the quote marks requests an exact match only.

To change the sort display on the file list, use the Sort dropdown to choose whether to sort by name, size, or date modified in ascending or descending order.

Trash: deleting items

Files and folders that are moved into the Trash folder (via the Delete button or drag and drop), will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

To permanently delete a file or folder once it is in the Trash, select it and use the Delete permanently button.

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