Apple subscriptions

If you subscribed through Apple's App Store, you can use the information here to manage your subscription.

Note: Subscriptions purchased through Apple's App Store support single-user accounts only.


Your expiration date is listed on your Settings → Billing & Plan screen. Apple will automatically charge your payment method, renewing your subscription, shortly before this date. 

To change your payment method, please follow the guide published by Apple.

If Apple is unable to charge your payment method, Apple will continue attempting the charge for 60 days. If you'd like to continue using Fastmail after this 60-day period has passed, raise a ticket and our friendly support team will help you out.

Canceling & deleting your data

You can cancel your account through the App Store at any time, and no further payments will be required.

To cancel your account, please follow the walkthrough published by Apple. Canceling your account stops it from auto-renewing, and does not immediately close your Fastmail account. You'll continue to have access to your Fastmail account until the end of the period you have paid for.

After this, you'll have the option to reactivate your account for up to 60 days after your account was canceled. You can do so in the App Store app on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch

If you have canceled your account and you want your data immediately deleted from Fastmail (with no option to reactivate for up to 60 days), you can go to your Settings → Billing & Plan screen and follow the steps for deleting your Fastmail account.

Refund policy

We do not offer a refund for unused subscriptions. We highly recommend that you use your free trial to make sure Fastmail is right for you.

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