Migrate to Fastmail from Outlook.com

The following information makes it easy to move your data from Outlook.com into Fastmail, once you have chosen a plan.

Set up your email address and/or domain

The first step is to simply sign up with the email address you want to use with Fastmail.

If you don't own your own domain, you'll need to select an email address using one of Fastmail's domains.

If you have your own domain, follow our domain and email migration guide to learn how to transfer your domain, mail accounts, and additional addresses to Fastmail.

Transfer your mail

You can import all your mail from Outlook.com onto Fastmail. This is a one-time task to transfer all your mail, and may take some time to complete.

  1. Open the Settings → Migration → Import screen.
  2. Go to the Import mail, calendars, and contacts section and select Outlook.com / Office 365.
  3. Enter your email address and password for your Outlook email account, then click the blue Login to Outlook button.
  4. On the next screen, choose the options that suit you. You can also set up fetching and sending from your other account on this screen so you can continue to receive new mail from your other account, and send from your other address.
  5. Click the Migrate button.

Please note that imports can take some time, especially for accounts with large amounts of mail. Do not start another migration from your account while the first one is still running, as it will result in two copies of every message in your account. You can continue to use your account as normal while the migration is running.

When your mail is done importing, you'll receive a message from us letting you know. We'll also email you if there were any issues importing your mail.

Transfer your calendars

To export your calendars from Outlook.com:

  1. Sign in to your Outlook.com account.
  2. Open Settings and select CalendarShared calendars.

  3. Under Publish a calendar, choose which calendar you want to publish and how much detail people can see.

  4. Select Publish.

  5. Click on the ICS link and select Download.

Once you've downloaded the ICS file from Outlook.com, you can import the calendar into Fastmail. To import your calendars to Fastmail:

  1. Open the Settings → Migration → Import screen.
  2. Go to the Import mail, calendars, and contacts section and select Upload contacts and calendars.
  3. Click Upload calendar file.
  4. Find the ICS file and click the Select button.

Need more information? Check out our calendar migration guide.

Transfer your contacts

To export your contacts from Outlook:

  1. Go to the People page and click Manage contacts → Export contacts.
  2. Choose which contacts you would like to export, then click Export.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Save.

To import your contacts into Fastmail:

  1. Open the Settings → Migration → Import screen.
  2. Go to the Import mail, calendars, and contacts section and select Upload contacts and calendars.
  3. Click Upload address book file.
  4. Find the file and click the Select button.

Making the most of Fastmail

For general steps you can take to migrate smoothly to Fastmail, please see the "Making the most of Fastmail" section in our full migration guide.

Migration complete

You're done! Welcome to email, calendars, and contacts done right.

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