Upgrade or downgrade your account

We understand that your email needs can change. You can upgrade or downgrade your account plan, or any of your user's plans, at any time. Please see our pricing table for a list of the differences between our plans.

Account administrators can upgrade or downgrade their own plan type:

  1. Open the screen.
  2. Click Choose a new plan.
  3. Select the plan you'd like to move to.
  4. Follow the instructions if payment is required.

Account administrators can also upgrade or downgrade plan types for any individual users on the account:

  1. Go to the Settings → Users & Sharing screen.
  2. Click Edit next to any user you'd like to change the plan type for.
  3. Under the Plan section, click the dropdown menu and select the plan you'd like to move to.
  4. Click Save, and follow the instructions if payment is required.

It will not be possible to downgrade your account if you are using features that are not available on the plan you wish to downgrade to. Our limits for each plan can be found here, and features included in each plan type can be found here.

If you use a custom domain, at least one admin of the account must be on a non-Basic subscription. Users on Basic plans can access Fastmail on a web browser or our mobile app only; access to third-party clients is not supported on Basic plans. Any app passwords used to connect to third-party programs (e.g. Outlook or Mac Mail) will automatically be disabled when downgrading to a Basic plan.

Credit for unused subscription

When you upgrade or downgrade your account, we will take the amount you paid for your previous plan and credit the unused percentage of that towards your new subscription. If this credit is more than the cost of your new subscription, the remaining credit is added to your billing pool and will be put towards any future renewals.

Upgrading from a legacy plan

If you're on a legacy plan, you're welcome to upgrade to our new plans at any time. There are some additional steps to complete before we can switch you over.

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